Trying to make a good impression on the jury, Korovnikov described the action against Kostina: "We approached dressed up as thugs ... Our orders were to frighten her." The defence quite reasonably asked this murderer: "You disguised yourselves as thugs? So you don't think you're already a thug?" The judge's reaction was immediate: "Question disallowed, out of order." Nobody in court was to guess the gang's true-life status or the veracity of their testimony.
The defence lawyers finally lost patience and submitted a written request to the judge. They wanted an opportunity to establish in court the kind of people that Korovnikov, Erbes, Kabanets and Popov were. The jury should know about the criminal records of these men testifying five years on from an imaginary conversation with Pichugin. Naturally, the request was rapidly turned down without explanation.
Such was the fascinating and "comprehensive" examination of all the circumstances of the crime. It's worth noting that under the old code of criminal procedure the trial would have been held in Tambov. Then it would not have been necessary to explain to the jury who Korovnikov really was. He had already left his mark on the town.
There was a similarly clear difference in the behaviour of the remaining witnesses between the first and second trials. At the first trial Peshkun was wary, he did not know how events would develop and he suspected a trap in every question. And he agreed to testify only after all the other witnesses. At the second trial he agreed to take the stand straightaway, and matters began with his testimony. But his story was confused, he seemed anxious and kept looking around. He had clearly not learnt his lines properly. The loquacious Korovnikov was called in to help. Peshkun could only blurt out: "Yes, yes, I can confirm all his testimony!" Who had been coaching the witnesses in the cells?
Korovnikov's conduct in court made it obvious even to the layman that he was deranged. The witness confrontation between him and Pichugin gave a particularly good illustration. It was held in a small room of about eight square metres' floorspace. Present were investigating officer Demidov with his finger on the alarm button, five defence lawyers, Pichugin and Korovnikov.
Shortly afterwards, the defence filed a complaint that the confrontation had been marred by breaches of the law. Demidov summoned Korovnikov: "What can you tell us about the confrontation?" Korovnikov's reply: "I was shocked. The defence made a death threat against the investigating officer before my very eyes." He was trying to help Demidov against the defence. Within the limited confines of his own mind.
In court he turned to defence lawyer Kaganer: "Don't you remember that at the confrontation you tried to get me to retract my evidence, and promised to bring me something in Lefortovo in return?" The amazed Kaganer could only reply: "I'd have sooner had my arm chopped off than give you my cigarettes at that confrontation. You need to be locked up."
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